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Zinecinnati Recap

Author: Dana
Date: 09/20/23
Tags: #zinecinnati 2023   #events

A black line drawing of a cat's face

Hello Pals! Alex and I had a great time at Zinecinnati and the wrap party the next day. This was the last in person event we will be attending for 2023, so it also wraps up our 2023 fest schedule. But don’t worry, we have something exciting planned for the holiday season!

Dana and Alex behind the table at Zinecinnati.

Zinecinnati is held at the Clifton Cultural Arts Center in downtown Cincinnati. The space is unique and great for a small zinefest like Zinecinnati. Although the space wasn’t as big as some of the other vendor halls we’ve been in, it was well traficked and packed with diverse artists and craftspeople.

Keep reading to see more pictures and hear more about the fest!

Alex setting up our table display

Our table was in the second room, but we had a pretty sweet set up with a fan and music, and a second entrance right by us. Alex managed our table display and somehow packed in all of our stickers, prints, zines, and other wares into the small space.

The full table set up. Look at all that stuff!

We’re in the middle of some schemes to revamp our display for 2024, keep an eye out on our instagram and the blog for updates from us on that front. But for now we have some plywood shelving I made in the public library makerspace, the original ombre pegboards and animal stands that Alex made with her Dad, and some bins and things to organize everything else. At this point, we realized that this is probably the most stuff we can bring to an event like this without overflowing the table. It was cool to realize that we had enough to fill a table considering that we just started actively selling this year. That’s growth!

We had steady traffic throughout the five hours and got lots of great feedback. As always we had awesome table neighbors, including Presley Taylen and Anne Scove and we were right across the way from Abbey Kacen. The overall energy of the fest was a hum of excitement and discovery.

The next day, Alex and I stopped by the Wrap Party at iNK to drop off some of our new work for consignment, including Alex’s Barbie inspired ‘Sublime!’ magnets and my No-Buy zine. We got to sit down and talk with Tom and Ren, the organizers of Zinecinnati and the owners of iNK, along with Alex Moonsang and Jenny Butor, who were both vendors at the fest as well. Alex and I were pretty exhausted at this point, but we were happy to get to connect with Alex and Jenny, two artists whose work we admire.

That wraps up our time at Zinecinnati! Thanks to everyone who came out to support us and all the other artists at Zinecinnati.

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