DnA Artists

A black line drawing of a cute cat face and bunny face next to each other with DnA written beneath.

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CAKE Recap

Date: 09/10/24
Author: Alex
Tags: #events , #CAKE

A black line drawing of a bunny's face

Alex here! I had an amazing time at CAKE in August! It was my first time tabling, but I’m a long-time fan of this gathering of rad comic artists, cartoonists, and illustrators. Along with meeting a number of cool creatives, I also volunteered as a CAKE coordinator this year - so it was particularly special to see the fruits of the outstanding organizers’ and coordinators’ labor!

Alex standing next to the DnA table at CAKE

Read on to discover awesome artists!

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Comics Club Reading at iNK and Zinecinnati Recap

Date: 09/02/24
Author: Dana
Tags: #events , #zinecinnati

A black line drawing of a cat's face

Phew! It’s been a big month for DnA, we’ve been working hard and having fun with our pals at CAKE and Zinecinnati. Alex will be writing about CAKE, but this post is going to be about Zinecinnati and the Comics Club Pre-Party the night before at iNK.

A photo of Dana doing her reading, and the cover art for her comic.

I was rushing the weeks before the fests to finish my newest comic project, Devoted, a victorian fantasy romance. When I saw the post asking for volunteers to do live readings at the Comics Club, I was initially hesitant to do it. Alex encouraged me, like any good friend, and I decided to go for it. I’m really glad I did! First of all, the event itself was great. I laughed at some readings and got properly freaked out by others (I’m looking at you Beth!). Mine was simple, and I was honestly surprised that people went out of their way after my reading to tell me that they enjoyed it. I have a pretty intense case of imposter syndrome and have a hard time looking at my work objectively so it always feels special when someone says they enjoy my work.

Keep reading to hear about the fest the next day!

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Halftone 2024 Recap

Date: 05/12/24
Author: Dana
Tags: #events , #halftone zinefest

A black line drawing of a cat's face

Hi! Dana here, checking in to recap Halftone Zine Fest 2024. This was a great local event for kentuckians to share their work and meet other artists and zinesters. Compared to last yeasr Halftone Zine Fest, the atmosphere was more relaxed and intimate.

A photo of the poster for the event followed by a photo of the vendor hall.

We made the smaller space work and fit our display onto a half table for the event. Dana got to chat with some old Pals who remembered DnA from last years Halftone event, and also meet some new Pals!

A photo of the table display, and a photo of Dana talking to a guest at the table.

We were happy to be able to attend this event for the second year in a row and look forward to seeing the event continue to grow, and to meet more people in the Kentucky zine community!

Click here to read more.

DZF 2024 Recap

Date: 04/09/24
Author: Dana
Tags: #events , #detroit zine fest 2024

A black line drawing of a cat's face

Our first fest of 2024 is complete! It’s been over a year since DnA tabled at our first Zine Fest, and it felt great to be back in Detroit where it all began. Last year, Detroit Zine Fest was our first taste of the zine community (read about last years experience in a previous blog post), and it was delightful! Although things started out rocky, with Alex being unable to attend due to a snow storm, and Dana frantically trying to create a table display with nothing but a table cloth and some book stands, the event went incredibly smoothly. This year, Dana planned to attend solo and had everything needed to create the table display. She went into this years fest feeling much more prepared and confident.

Photo of the table display, followed by a photo of the inside of the venue full of artists and attendees

Over the winter, Dana has been working on some new acrylic display pieces to show off all of DnA’s wares. Alex created removeable stickers to decorate the acrylic and display pricing. After each fest, we evaluate what worked and what didn’t and try to come up with solutions to make it easier for attendees to see and reconize our brand and items. Washi tapes are hard to display, for example, and while we have gotten some solutions for them I think we are still trying to figure out the best way to show them at fests.

The fest was heavily attended, with a diverse crowd of people who came out to support the artists and search for cool, unique zines and printed matter. Dana was busy all day and hardly had time to socialize with the other vendors or do any shopping herself! Usually, she has a large pile of stuff at the end of the event, but this time she only made one purchase of a riso print from radriso, along with a healthy pile of zines she got through trades.

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Of all the fests Dana attended last year, Detroit Zine Fest was far and away her favorite. The organizers provide so much support for the vendors. There is a quiet room to rest, a food truck outside the venue for lunch, and the volunteers and venue staff are always available to help you out if you need it. If you are nearby, Dana definitely recommends making the trip to go to this fest! Thank you to the organizers, Yvie and Yahsmin, the volunteers, venue staff, all of the vendors, and all of the attendees for making this fest feel so welcoming!

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Upcoming Spring Fests!

Date: 03/14/24
Author: Dana
Tags: #events

A black line drawing of a cat's face

Just a quick blog post to announce that we have been accepted into two spring zine fests! DnA will be tabling at Detroit Zine Fest on April 6, and Halftone Zine Fest on May 11.

We will be doing a livestream over on instagram before each fest to announce the details and feature any new items that will be releasing at each fest, and you can always check our events page to keep up to date with all of our upcoming events.

Click here to read more.

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