DnA Artists

A black line drawing of a cute cat face and bunny face next to each other with DnA written beneath.

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Halftone ZineFest 2023 Recap

Date: 05/30/23
Author: Dana
Tags: #halftone zinefest 2023 , #events

A black line drawing of a cat's face

We had a great time in Lexington at Halftone Zinefest. Thanks to everyone who came out and supported us! We loved meeting and chatting with everyone. Shout out to Cheyenne and Michelle for organizing the event, and to the 21c in Lexington for allowing us to use their space. Be sure to follow the halftone instagram account and check their website to hear about future events.

photograph of dana and alex standing behind their colorful table display Alex and Dana posing behind their colorful table display.

Click here to read more.

What's New for Halftone ZineFest

Date: 05/09/23
Author: Dana
Tags: #halftone zinefest 2023 , #events , #goods

A black line drawing of a cat's face

Today I’m bringing you an update of all the new and fresh zines and stationary we will be selling at Halftone ZineFest this Friday, May 13th. For photos, and to listen to us talk about the new stuff check out our instagram, where we did a livestream to show off all the awesome new stuff. For details about the fest, check out our events page and the Halftone website.

Keep reading to see the list of new products and pricing! New items are marked in italics.

Click here to read more.

We’ll Be Attending Halftone ZineFest!

Date: 04/05/23
Author: Dana
Tags: #halftone zinefest 2023 , #events

A black line drawing of a cat's face

Hey pals! We’re going to be tabling at Halftone ZineFest in Lexington, KY! The event is being held on May 13th from 11 AM - 5 PM in the 21C Hotel. Alex and I are both very excited to attend this event in our home state of Kentucky.

We have some new zines and fun products in the works for this event that we cannot wait to share with you. Check out our events page for all the details and keep an eye on our instagram account where we will be previewing our new zines and merch.

Can’t wait to see you all there!

Click here to read more.

Pals! Volume 1 Release

Date: 03/24/23
Author: Dana
Tags: #pals! , #detroit zine fest 2023

A black line drawing of a cat's face

Volume 1 of our collaborative zine series Pals! is officially released! Pals! is a series of one page mini zines that DnA makes with submissions from attendees at zine fests. We pick a theme for the zine and ask people to submit drawings and writing at the fest, then we collage them together and create mini zines that we share for free online and with contributors via mail. If you submitted at DZF then your illustration or note will appear in the most recent volume, which has just been aded to our publications page. If you requested a print copy by mail keep an eye on your mailbox because it should be arriving soon.

A photo of two mini zines with 'Pals! Volume 1 At Detroit ZineFest 2023. Missing You, Issue 1' and 'Issue 2' written on the cover.

The theme for Volume 1 is ‘Missing You,’ because at the time I was missing A.OK Art, the other half of DnA. Alex was unable to attend DZF this year because of the snow. I changed the theme last minute as a tribute to her, and we got some very heartfelt messages and drawings from guests.

Click here to download the PDF!

You can print the pdf and fold the zines yourself at home. These are one page mini zines, so make sure you don’t print them double sided! If you need a quick tutorial on how to fold the zine, check out this 2 minute video showing how it’s done by Austin Kleon. I prefer to use scissors to cut mine for a clean edge instead of tearing, but there are no rules. Enjoy the zine, pals!

Click here to read more.

DZF2023 Recap

Date: 03/05/23
Author: Dana
Tags: #detroit zine fest 2023 , #events

A black line drawing of a cat's face

Detroit Zine Fest 2023 is in the books! It was a stressful weekend for us here at DnA, but ultimately the event went well and I had a great time meeting the other artists and sharing my work with the visitors. I wasn’t sure what kind of response to expect, expecially after Alex was unable to attend due to weather. It didn’t turn out the way that we had hoped but we made do with what we had.

Dana sitting behind the table at Detroit Zine Fest 2023

Keep reading for more photos and my thoughts on the fest.

Click here to read more.

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