DnA Artists

A black line drawing of a cute cat face and bunny face next to each other with DnA written beneath.

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The Revenge of Hallowzine Kickstarter!

Date: 08/21/23
Author: Alex
Tags: #updates

A black line drawing of a bunny's face

Hey pals! It’s Alex here. If you’re on our Newsletter list you might remember I shared I was working on a comic in the exclusive WIP content - well that comic is complete! Ghost Cake will be part of Aquatic Panda Distro’s The Revenge of Hallowzine anthology! How can you get your hands on this book you ask?

Back the Kickstarter before 9/17 to get your copy containing horror and Halloween themed comics from over 20 Chicago-land artists!

digital drawing of a ghost in front of a bakery with a woman standing in front with crossed arms and a big smile. The ghost’s speech bubbles read “I used to be a baker / I owned a shop and everything / and I miss cake” with a “Live on Kickstarter” graphic overlaid

Click here to read more.

What's New at Street Cat Zine Fest

Date: 08/14/23
Author: Dana
Tags: #street cat zine fest 2023 , #events , #goods

A black line drawing of a cat's face

It’s that time again! DnA are prepping for another zinefest which means NEW STUFF and a new blog post to break it all down. Make your shopping list now so you know what you want to pick up at Street Cat Zine Fest on August 19th (more info on our events page).

a banner highlighting the new items DnA will be selling at Street Cat Zine Fest 2023

Debuting at Street Cat

Keep reading to see the full list of what we’re bringing to Street Cat.

Click here to read more.

Zine Camp Recap

Date: 07/29/23
Author: Alex
Tags: #events

A black line drawing of a bunny's face

It’s Alex here, and I’m excited to share that I had the great pleasure of attending Zine Club Chicago’s Zine Camp this month! After channeling my Girl Scout camp counselor energy of old, I donned my overalls and made my way down to the gorgeous Dan Ryan Woods on a comfortable, sunny Sunday.

photograph of zine supplies and snack bags on a wooden picnic table

Click here to read more.

Upcoming Ohio Fests!

Date: 07/24/23
Author: Dana
Tags: #events , #street cat zine fest 2023 , #zinecinnati 2023

A black line drawing of a cat's face

Alex and I are excited to announce our next two events, which both happen to be in the state of Ohio. We will be slinging zines, stickers, and more at Street Cat Zine Fest and Zinecinnati in the next two months. Keep reading to get the details on these awesome events.

Click here to read more.

Pals! Volume 2 Release

Date: 07/06/23
Author: Dana
Tags: #pals! , #halftone zinefest 2023

A black line drawing of a cat's face

Volume 2 of our collaborative zine series Pals! has been released! We make Pals! with contributions from vendors and atendees as zine fests, who we ask to make a drawing based on a theme. The theme for this issues was animals and we got some amazing submissions. Those of you that submitted your address should be getting your free zines in the mail, and the rest of you can download the zines and print them yourself for free on our publications page for Pals!

Click here to read more.

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